FREE Crypto Case Field Guide PDF

If you are an investigator who is seeing more cryptocurrency related financial crimes being reported, you do not want to miss this FREE Crypto Case Field Guide. It is PACKED with value.

I personally put this guide together from my experience investigating crypto related crimes as a law enforcement Financial Crimes Detective in Florida USA.

This guide:

  • contains the important information that you MUST obtain at the beginning of your investigation
  • contains need-to-know crypto-related vocab and definitions
  • will empower you with the ability to begin crypto related financial crime investigations with confidence

It's just a very small sample of the information you could learn in my online/on-demand course, Blockchain Basics + Crypto/NFT Transaction Tracing for Investigators aka the Crypto Course for Cops.

The guide is yours for FREE once you subscribe to read more about the important lessons you will learn and vital skills you will develop in my course.

PLUS you will receive an added BONUS in your first email once you confirm your subscription.

Subscribe now to receive your guide for FREE.

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Fintech Focus Training and Consulting

Investigation - Education - Empowerment